About Me

I'm Specy, an italian computer science student with a passion in building, reparing and developing.

I have experience in 3D printing, DIY, development of Websites, Apps and Webapps.

I specialise in creating tools to solve common problems or to help automate certain tasks. I've done so for many games to expand their functionality and to make their features more accessible.

I always strive to use the newest technologies in programming and experiment with unusual features of the web, like WASM, Web audio/midi apis, workers, languages, etc...
Proficient in
  • JavaScript / Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Scss
  • React
  • Next.js
  • SvelteKit
  • Java
  • C / C++
  • React Native
  • Rust
  • Nest.js
  • Electron
  • Python

My Projects

Genshin music nightly image preview
Genshin Music Nightly
A musical app inspired by the game Genshin Impact, with over a million users, built with react and pixi.js
Sky music nightly image preview
Sky Music Nightly
Similar as Genshin Music Nightly but adapted for the game Sky: Children of the Light
Scapix image preview
A machine learning image/gif/video upscaling and denoiser app made with sveltekit + typescript + electron

  • Image and video upscaling with no size limit
  • Denoise any kind of image kind, extend with your own denoise models
  • Change file formats
  • Fast and Modern UI
  • 100% offline

Click here to visit on github
ASM Editor preview
ASM Editor
A web editor for learning m68k assembly, built using my WebAssembly rust interpreter and sveltekit
Sky Music image preview
Sky music
A webApp with over 500k users, made to help players of the game Sky Cotl to practice, compose and share songs
ASM Editor preview
Conway Generator
A website to play with Conway's game of life and create backgrounds with custom colors

Quick safe notes

An app created with react native to save create and organize notes, it has authentication and notes folders together with a simple UI

SP Code

A Javascript library for steganography that turns any text into an image that can be then converted back to text.
The data can also be added to an existing image


The website where i host my webapps and all future projects


A webapp created for my school to help food ordering during the COVID-19 pandemic
How it works
Each class in the school owns an account which can be used to place orders to the school's bar
Once an order is placed, the bar owner can see the orders made by the classes and organise the delivery inside the school
read more

Other projects

I've made other small projects that you can find here

Contact me!